Ask field reps what they think about training it is likely to inspire mixed emotions. Our goal at medical leverage is to promote a positive learning experience for all stages of training. At medical leverage we believe, when properly engaged, equipped, and empowered, people will realize the full potential of training and embrace it. It is similar to the value that professional athletes invest into their off-season regimen. We are fanatical about training and the difference it makes. mlThrive is our training and engagement solution for adult learners in the life science industries.
- Schedule time with us HERE to discuss the best mlThrive strategy for your team
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Since the year 2000 the average human’s attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. A goldfish’s attention span is estimated to be 8 seconds. Trainers today are challenged to continuously produce new and creative content that will inspire reps to be engulfed in learning.
Though our collective ability to spend long periods of time has clearly decreased, the up-side is that we non-goldfish have access to so much more information. There are even studies that support that this shorter attention span actually helps us. mlThrive works to create great bursts of engagement that are calibrated to adult learning and designed for results.
Our strategic training philosophy, mlThrive, accounts for all of your training needs with a thoughtful, streamlined strategy that boosts rep’s connection and interaction resulting in long term learning retention.
It is not a good feeling to be under-resourced in a moment of need. Equipping is all about ensuring that your team has the right tools. It can’t stop there, though. Our training solutions are designed to ensure your team not only has the right tools, but that they know how and when to use them. The goal here is mastery, not just proficiency.

The definition of empower is to give someone authority or power to do something. It can also be defined as making someone stronger or more confident. Most training solutions settle for a knowledge transfer. That is not how mlThrive is wired.
mlThrive seeks command and confidence of knowledge. Your team should feel energized when applying their learnings, and mlThrive is designed to deliver empowered expertise, not performance that simply ‘meets expectations’.