strategic planning - kid spreading his wings

What story will your team tell with its strategic plan in 2022?

It is not too soon to start thinking about your strategic plan for next year. The medical communications landscape is still in flux:



  • Are you gaining the right insight from your stakeholders to create your strategic plan?
  • Have you identified gaps that need to be addressed in your strategic plan?
  • Does your content inspire action?
  • Could your tactics better connect to your strategic imperatives? 

60-minute complimentary strategic planning consultation:

Through the end of August, our strategic planning steering committee will be offering 60-minute complimentary strategic planning consultations for our network.

Our strategic planning team has more than 100 years of brand strategy and storytelling expertise. Leverage their insight for your 2022 planning.

strategic planning - dave oury

Dave Oury


  • 30+ years of life science leadership
  • Creating & executing medical communications tied to market insights & strategies
  • 25+ years sales training & development leadership
  • Omni-channel medical communications

Jeff Morrison

VP Strategic Solutions

  • 20+ years industry experience
  • Strategic planning & development
  • Marketing content planning & development
  • Actionable content strategy & focused, prioritized clinical messaging
  • All product types & life cycle phases
strategic planning - carl roselle

Carl Roselle

VP Strategic Development

  • 30+ years of life science leadership
  • Strategic content development

  • Sales training content planning & development

  • Curriculum mapping & gap analysis 

  • Brand lifecycle management

strategic planning - don bowen

Don Bowen​

Sr. Content Strategist

  • 25+ years of life science experience

  • New product planning expertise 

  • Insight generation, market research

  • Experience through all phases in product development