ml Press Releases 2-5-2021
The impact of COVID-19 and the sudden shift to virtual will have a lasting impact across many industries and healthcare communications is no exception. This ‘new normal’ has left our nation’s healthcare providers and pharmaceutical/biotech device companies needing to quickly re-evaluate their communication strategies in light of these changes.
Medical Leverage has quickly mobilized to address the shift to virtual, and we are starting and continuing conversations within the Pharma community. Please see our June and July webinars, below, which are archived installments of mlEvents which continue to speak to these seismic changes.
July 2020
mlEvents 2.0 – hosted by B&P of RTP
June 2020
mlEvents 1.0 hosted by BBB of Raleigh
Want more info?
If you missed the event, but want more information, simply complete this form and we will send you your readiness assessment, the materials from the call, and an invitation for a 1-hour free consultation: